Thursday, February 25, 2016



I have the advantage of 20 years of experience and great benefits of alkaline antioxidant water. Drinking alkaline ionized water has changed my life and the lives of many hundreds or even thousands of others who I either know well or at least have had some contact with. Drinking ionized alkaline water benefits anyone. I've seen how it helped me raise my children, without allergies and free of typical childhood illnesses. The list of alkaline ionized water remediesthat I can personally relate to is extensive. I've seen conditions such as spider veins, headaches, ear aches, throat soreness, congestion, acid reflux, gout, constipation, acne, colds, allergies, and almost "you name it", go away and stay away because of drinking ionized water.
One of the greatest benefits of alkaline antioxidant water, ionized water, is the ability of H2- antioxidants to penetrate cell walls and do their work where no other antioxidant can. The cathode (positively charged electrode) within the electrolysis chamber of a water ionizer produces the smallest, most natural and basic antioxidants there are, H2- (Hydrogen Antioxidants, also known as molecular Hydrogen or Hydrogen Gas). These H2- Antioxidants get dissolved into the alkaline antioxidant water and will stably stay dissolved for several hours. The reason these are the most powerful antioxidants is because they are so tiny. Their size is that of a single electron, and so these microscopic antioxidants can enter cells and give their antioxidant benefits directly into them - which no other antioxidant can do.  Read more about the power of alkaline antioxidant water.
This page gives you an overview of the many benefits of alkaline ionized water. But there is literally so much information. We have additional pages that you should definitely visit when you have finished reading this page.


When you consider that your body is mostly water, you can see how important water is to your health. Water brings nutrients to your cells. It lubricates your tissues, and it also helps to transport wastes out of your body. Second to air, water is the most needed molecule for life. Without it you would die.
The percentage of water in your body is somewhere between 60% and 75%. Children and very healthy adults are usually closer to 75%, and it is a quite well researched fact that dehydration [too low a percent of water in a body] is associated with dozens of illnesses. Read more: Water and Health. 
Why is alkaline ionized water different than plain, filtered tap-water? Alkaline ionized water has two very important differences from plain, filtered tap-water: 1) It provides pH-buffers to help the pH balance of your body, and 2) It contains high levels of antioxidants. Antioxidant-water helps your body fight free radicals. The rest of this page is devoted to explaining these and other important features of alkaline ionized water. The benefits of ionized water can make a world of difference to your life, as it has to mine.


I've selected these two videos to put on this page, because they are packed with information about the history of water ionizers, how water ionizers work and emphasizes the benefits of ionized water with great illustrations. They are both pretty short videos and their transcripts are below each. I'm guessing between the two videos they will help to answer a lot of questions for you.


Very simply stated, a water ionizer is an alkaline machine that gets hooked to your water supply and splits the water clusters into two streams of water: alkaline water and acidic water. A water ionizer has two output hoses for this. Alkaline water usually comes out of the top flexi-hose [spout] and acidic water comes out the bottom hose...which is usually positioned behind the water ionizer to drain into the sink. The above video does a great job of demonstrating all of this and how it happens.
Depending on both the flow-rate and settings of your water ionizer, the alkaline water output can usually range in pH from 8.5 to 10 [and sometimes even higher]. If your source water is already high alkaline [which is unusual, but does happen] your alkaline ionized water range of pH will be higher, accordingly. Some people ask if it is still advantageous to ionize the water if the tap water is already alkaline. Answer: Yes, it is, because alkaline ionized water is full of antioxidants and it's structured water. Tap water is not. Your body can adjust to these pH differences. 


  • PH Balance: Our bodies need pH-balance, yet our diets are all too often overly acidic. Alkaline water drinking does wonders for providing us with the buffers we need. One of the health benefits of alkaline antioxidant water, ionized water, are the alkaline water pH-balancing benefits. Alkaline machines give you many levels of pH water, so you can give your body the right pH buffers that it needs. Having ready pH-buffers allows your cells to rid themselves of their acidic wastes - this includes FAT! Without constant pH-buffers, our cells must hold in their acidic wastes. This is very unhealthy for your cells. Your body will also rob your joints, bones, or muscles to get the pH-buffers it needs. These protective mechanisms keep you from dying, but the downside of robbing vital minerals from your joints, tissues, etc. is the development of disease, such as cancer, osteoporosis, and arthritis to name a few.
  • Alkaline Antioxidant Water: One of the most important advantages of drinking alkaline water from an alkaline machine comes with the high levels of natural antioxidants. Alkaline ionized water contains huge amounts of antioxidants [These are negatively-charged h2- molecules that have extra electron to donate to free-radicals within your bodily fluid, blood and cells. It is such a powerful antioxidant that it can get into cells and even through the blood-brain barrier. This is theorized to be one of the reasons people consuming ionized water will often experience remissions from such a variety of illnesses. 
  • More Absorbable Water: Another benefit of ionized water is to make the water wetter! When you drink ionized alkaline water, the body is able to absorb it better than tap, bottled or other water. A water ionizer breaks the water down from larger clusters of water molecules to smaller ones. By doing this, the smaller clusters are more able to pass through cell membranes and enter the cells.
  • Best Water Filtration: Among the benefits of ionizing water is the filtering of chlorine and other toxins. By splitting the water into two streams [alkaline water and acidic water] the more toxic acidic minerals, such as Fluoride and Chlorine, will naturally be diverted to the acidic line. In addition, water ionizer filters have been known to remove up to 99.99% of fluoride, chloramine, heavy metals, toxins and even pharmaceuticals depending on the water ionizer you buy, but allows the good minerals (such as calcium) through. Not all water ionizer companies offer the same quality of filtration. Refer to the water ionizer comparison chart [#36 Filter Comments] to compare this feature. If you have any questions about filtering your particular water or anything at all on our water ionizer comparison page, feel free to give us a call. It's sometimes important to analyze your source water in order to get the best water filters to go with your ionized alkaline water machine, and we will do a free water analysis for you.
  • Taste: Water ionization also typically improves taste. Alkaline ionized water is great tasting! It is far superior to the water that comes out of your tap and certainly better than bottled water.
  • Healing Qualities: Like the water in Lourdes, France, Vilcabamba, Equador or other locations famous for their healing-water, the biggest health benefit of alkaline water is its healing qualities. Alkaline ionized water actually enables the body to heal itself, keep itself healthy and be free of sickness and disease. This is what the body was designed to do, but with the advent of junk food, pesticides and thousands of other modern inventions, mostly acidic, our bodies lose their balance and so lose this ability to heal over time. Ionized water in every glass of water you drink specifically targets returning balance to your body and this in turn improves health.


Our bodies need to be alkaline to be healthy, however our typical American diets are way too acidic (meats, grains, dairy, soft drinks, tea/coffee), and so we lose our pH-buffers. A buffer is something which helps to neutralize or bring balance to the body. PH buffers can neutralize the acidic elements, toxins, that are attacking and damaging your cells Therefore they can extend the life of your cells. Acids have a way of getting trapped in our bodies if we don't have immediately available buffers for them. They settle into fat cells or joints mostly and they also solidify into uric acid crystals. They do this to protect us from the alternative: death. This is how alkaline water drinking actually helps people to lose weight and stay fit.
Medical Fact: The blood must maintain a balance of about 7.365 pH at all times. The alternative is death.
Look at the health benefits of alkaline water.
Our cells must be constantly bathed in slightly alkaline pH water in order to be hydrated and cleansed (draw the acids out of the cells). One of the benefits of ionizing water is achieving this and other forms of balance in the body.


The inability to rid ourselves of acidic wastes leads to most of America's common illnesses (colds, allergies, diabetes, obesity, acne, indigestion, headaches and cancer). To prevent this entrapment of acidic wastes our cells must be constantly bathed in slightly alkaline pH water. I have discovered that the best remedy to colds, allergies, acne, acid-reflux, etc. is ionized water from a well-designed water ionizer.


After drinking ionized alkaline water for so many years we can feel how lucky we are; how healthy we are; it's amazing! Not only myself and close relations, but complete strangers call or email me regularly to tell me that they also can feel the difference.


ORP stands for "oxidation reduction potential", which is another way of saying antioxidant. You are probably familiar with the term antioxidant because vitamin C and E are anti-oxidants, but the hydrogen gas antioxidants in ionized water are much more powerful antioxidants. The reason is because of their tiny size. H2- antioxidants can enter cells where no other antioxidant can. 
Drink alkaline water and you will see the benefits
Oxidation: Oxidation is what's happening to the apple in this picture or to iron when it rusts. It happens inside our bodies all the time and contributes to diseases.
Oxidation is a chemical reaction. Active Oxygen [O2+] or other free-radical circulates the body, stealing electrons & damaging the cells. A free radical is an unbalanced molecule with an unpaired electron. It needs another electron to be stable and steals it from your cells. Ionized water produces a Negative ORP - which is really good, because it contains lots of electrons to donate in order to neutralize free-radicals and repair cell damage. 
There are no better, more easily absorbable antioxidants that a person could consume than those found in alkaline ionized water. 
The research on hydrogen gas (H2-) is surprising. Here's an article all about this powerful antioxidant and the research behind it. See definitions, video and a great article on H2, the most powerful antioxidant on Earth, and its unique ability to prevent or reverse diseases. It is exciting, important, and should not be overlooked! Research Analyst, Nate Darnell, who sits on the board for Diabetes Support Services, delivers a compelling presentation on the phenomena of hydrogen gas (causing spontaneous remissions) in diseases, such as diabetes & cancer. The everyday person needs this information: H2- Antioxidant and Power Over Diabetes & Other Diseases
It's important to note that the only practical way of making H2 antioxidants is with a water ionizer. 


Water is usually found in large clusters of 14 or so water molecules per cluster. Alkaline water ionizer machines break the water down from larger clusters of water molecules to smaller ones.Look at the benefits of drinking alkaline water.
By creating micro-clusters, a water ionizer creates water that is more easily able to pass through pores, tissues and cell membranes. Therefore alkaline ionized water will hydrate the body and cells better and faster.


In addition to the other benefits of ionized water, a water ionizer will usually give you excellent water filtration. A water ionizer will help you to remove: Chlorine, Chloramine, heavy-metals, pesticides, pharmaceuticals, and many other contaminants from your water. In addition, alkaline water ionizers will usually force you to slow down your speed of pouring water just enough to utilize your water filtration to the maximum effectiveness. A slow flow through a good water filter gives you the best filtration. Note: The best water filtration that has ever been developed was developed for water ionizers, UltraWater filtration.


Dr. Robert Young [5:26 minutes], author of The pH Miracle explains the health benefits of ionized alkaline water in assisting those who are overweight to lose their unwanted fat. Since fat is acidic - fatty acids - it needs alkaline buffers to be removed from the body. Read more about alkaline water benefits for weight-loss.
Here's another video about the PH Miracle for Weight Loss & Alkaline Water Health. Obesity is associated with too many acidic toxins in the body. The fat traps the toxins so they don't poison you. Raising your body's pH will help your fat cells release the acidic fats so they can be properly flushed out of your body. As part of the demonstration you can see the recommended alkaline foods.
GI tract health benefits of alkaline water


Alkaline ionized water benefits the stomach too!
Some people will claim that because the stomach needs to be acidic that alkaline ionized water will upset that balance. This is not at all true, and as a matter of fact alkaline ionized water improves digestion. Of course at meal-times, or 20 minutes before/after, one should just add a tiny squeeze of lemon to neutralize the pH of the alkaline ionized water. Other than that one should just sip on alkaline ionized water all throughout the day.
Among the benefits of ionized water are improved conditions in the GI tract including better elimination, digestion, energy, and overall health. One thing about weight or health problems that many people don't realize is the importance of the pH balance in the gastrointestinal tract and the body in general. Most people do not know that it's not stomach acids that digest your food. It's enzymes. Also, water has no calories and so it doesn't trigger digestion or reduce the stomach acids at all. It just goes straight through for the most part. So anyone saying that to drink alkaline ionized water is bad for the stomach doesn't know what they're talking about. Of course if you are in the process of eating meat or dairy I don't suggest it, because it could interfere then. Or, just squeeze a tiny bit of lemon juice into it to neutralize it, as stated earlier. But 20 minutes before and after eating to drink alkaline water is not a problem. You also should drink at a reasonable pH-level, such as 8.5 to 10.5, although I have talked to many cancer patients who report better, faster results when they drink higher pH-levels.
The stomach can handle all pH-levels and can easily create the acids it needs on demand when it needs it.
Click here to read a whole page devoted to alkaline ionized water and digestion.


The colon absolutely requires an alkaline pH. Colon cancer [which is an awful disease] would be prevented so much better than to "cure" after-the-fact. Dr. Shinya, inventor of the colonoscopy, has done a lot of work with that. He highly recommends alkaline ionized water as part of his program to help people heal their colons so they don't get cancer. READ MORE...


High body acidity is caused by the foods we eat and drink, exercise, tension & stress, to name a few. Ideally our diet should be 60-80% alkaline, but in reality it’s usually just the opposite -- about 60-80% acidic! Animal proteins, grains, dairy products, soft drinks...are all acidic and are potentially going to be stored in the body as acids. [It's not so much that the food itself is acid, although it often is, but it is that the resultant byproduct of digestion of that kind of food is acidic.] Too much acidity in the body is dangerous. Diseases are often by-products of an acidic body environment. So, when you "cure" them without changing your daily routine that got you there, you take the risk of getting whatever you had come back. So, huge benefits of drinking alkaline water lie in the area of giving you the BUFFERS you need to handle whatever comes along.


Actually there are occasionally people who have enough alkaline buffers and don't particularly need alkaline water. However even in this case the antioxidant benefits are good. That person should simply select a lower alkaline setting and let the other family members choose higher if it agrees with them. Also, children under 2 years old are already alkaline enough, and usually should only be given filtered water from that setting on the water ionizer.


Dr. Pollack has been studying water at the University of Washington as a principal Bio-Engineer. His extensive research shows that living cells need structured water [also known as ionized water]. Many processes make water lose its natural, healthy structure, i.e., pollution, extreme methods of filtration, and bottling processes. Yet, the body's blood, cells and tissues need structured water [ionized water]. Life needs this water, because the potential energy in ionized water is vital to our cells and tissues. Read more about Structured Water


There are two main types of water ionizer devices: electric water ionizers and non-electric filtering water ionizers.
From my experience the alkaline water benefits with electric water ionizers are superior to non-electric water ionizers, but both devices have their advantages. We sell both kinds.
Electric water ionizers are necessarily more expensive because to be safe and effective they must have pure titanium plates covered with pure, medical-grade platinum. The platinum, alone, has a major influence on the cost. [Platinum costs over $1500./ounce.] Electric water ionizers are better and healthier, because they will ionize all of the healthy, alkaline minerals [such as calcium, magnesium, potassium] and non-electric water ionizers will only ionize magnesium. Ionizing the minerals makes them more readily available to absorb into your cells.
All non-electric water ionizers are basically filters, not machines, and are cheaper to make. They filter the water and then add magnesium to the water in the presence of magnetized ceramics. This method was originally researched and developed by Dr. Hayashi but now there are hundreds of devices that use this principle. We have tested many of these types of devices and found that some worked well [but were too expensive]; some worked poorly; and ones that we found work the best, and are reasonably-priced, we sell on our site. We constantly research this, but regardless of outcome, the electric ionizers will always be better than the non-electric because the body needs calcium a lot more than magnesium, and non-electric water ionizers can only ionize the magnesium.
Neither electric nor non-electric water ionizers are more "natural" than the other. When searching the net you may encounter some sales hype about this. It's just that the electric one ionizes all the minerals that are naturally in your water and the non-electric adds magnesium, which will spontaneously ionize in the presence of the magnetized ceramics.


What a bargain my first alkaline water ionizer was! You and your family can also experience the benefits of alkaline ionized water, and for a reasonable price. In addition, the latest technology of water ionizers includes some pretty sophisticated features, such as continuous-cleaning and 99.99% pure UltraWater filtration. What that means for you is greater ORP [antioxidants] and better filtration than ever before. Note: I sell the best water ionizers available.Discounts on water ionizers are almost always available too.


These are some great testimonials of the fantastic results of using Alkaline Ionized Water! [3:19 minutes] This video is one of many that show hundreds and thousands of people talking about the health benefits of alkaline water.

Webmaster, Cathie LoGrasso
With a masters+ in education; was in the field of education [as teacher and principal] from 1982 to 2007 [almost 25 years]; and has been drinking alkaline ionized water since the mid-90's [over 20 years]. "My first water ionizer I thought was the best product I ever bought...that is until I came across and started selling the ones I sell today. There is nothing better for my family's health. "
You can read about all of the alkaline water benefits I've personally experienced with drinking ionized water over the past 20+ years here: My Testimonial.


Q: Why are alkaline machines [water ionizers] so expensive?
Answer: First, if you compare alkaline water machines to medical equipment, they're not expensive at all. But I'll explain how the expense of an alkaline water machine breaks down. 1) The water ionizer contains platinum coated plates. Platinum is quite expensive [over $1500/oz]. Cheap water ionizers that use alloys are not able to ionize as efficiently or safely. 2) Design, electronics, fine workmanship and warranties are also quite costly.
Q: Why do electric water ionizers [alkaline water machines] need platinum coating on the electrodes?
Answer: The reason that alkaline water machines must use platinum is: Platinum [along with titanium] is a very hard & dense metal and will not break down and leach into your alkaline ionized water - even over time. So the electrodes will virtually last forever and platinum catalyzes [speeds up] the electrolysis process allowing water to ionize instantly as the water passes through the alkaline water machine's electrolysis chamber. A water ionizer [alkaline water machine] wouldn't ionize water well at all without platinum.
Q: Which brand/model of alkaline water machine [water ionizer] makes the best water?
Answer: There are several water ionizers that I think are in the category of "best". As long as the water ionizer is manufactured properly, can achieve a wide enough range of pH, produces an abundance of antioxidants at each of the alkaline pH-levels, and has an adequate warranty I would call it one of the best ones. Then there are other features to consider... You’re invited to stop-by my "Water Ionizer Comparison Chart" page. I’ve placed objective alkaline water machine test results [and videos] on the page and I’ve analyzed the tests and ranked the ionizers according to what I think is Good, Better and Best, compared to all of the other alkaline water machines.
Q: Are there any cautions about drinking ionized alkaline water?
Answer: You should start slowly. Set the controls to the lowest alkaline level. Assuming the water agrees with you, increase the amount you drink and the level of ionization intensity. High levels of alkalinity -- up to 9.5-10.0 -- are best for drinking water; the highest levels, 11pH or higher, can be used for cooking. Use the "Purified Water" setting for taking any medications that your doctor advises not to be taken with alkaline water. Do not drink the acid water that comes out of the lower spout.
Q: What is pH and how do I test my body's pH?
View the alkaline water benefitsAnswer: PH stands for "potential hydrogen". It basically means how acid, alkaline or neutral something is. On a scale of 1 - 14, 1 - 6.9 would be ranges of acidity (with 1 being the most acid) and 7.1 - 14 would be ranges of alkalinity (with 14 being the most alkaline), and 7 would be neutral. In a healthy state, our saliva should be slightly alkaline (a little above 7.3). However, a large majority of North Americans and Europeans are in an acid condition, and this can be demonstrated. If you're curious as to whether you're acidic, ask for our free pH saliva test. In this simple test, special pH papers are used to measure the acidity /alkalinity of saliva under carefully controlled conditions. This can give you a relative, general picture.

Q: Which container is best and what's the best way to store ionized water?
Answer: The only really good bottle for storing ionized water is our vacuum stainless bottles. 
See our link for more about the stainless bottles.
Q: Does it change the pH or ORP of ionized water to mix it with flavor-aids or alcohol?
Answer: Yes it does. I've tried Kool-Aid, Crystle Lite and other drink mixes, and chemically-created drink mixes remove a good deal of the benefits [of pH and ORP] of ionized water. They'll actually make it acidic in many cases. However, adding alcohol to ionized water doesn't change the pH or ORP for some reason. Here's my testing of flavor-aids & alcohol's effect on the pH and ORP of ionized water.

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